Alice in Wonderland brooches or pins – In a REAL Magazine! Etsy Seller Tips

I’ve just added more to my Alice in Wonderland range in my Etsy store.

I’m very excited to say that some of these have beenĀ featured in Make and Sell Jewellery Magazine, in the April issue, which goes on sale 27th March in the UK.


I’ve sent them a selection to be included in a giveaway for their readers, which you can take part in on their social media. Or here.
It’s so great to have some of my makes noticed, it spurs me on, on those slow days. I also gave them some Etsy tips, for those getting started.

My tips are for starting a shop on Etsy:
1. List 10 items on the first day, then add 1 new item every day for a month, this will keep you at the top of search results, and show potential customers you are serious about selling. Plus there will be a nice selection of your items for them to browse through.

2. Photos are the most important part of selling a product, so make sure you fill all five photo spaces, show different sides to the product even the back ugly part, customers want to know what that will look like. Just thing when you go into a shop and pick up an item you like, you look at all sides of it, so make sure you show those in your photos. Think like a customer!

Enough of that scroll down for more pretty Alice in Wonderland pins!


If you want to get your hands on one of my lovely Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum pins or any other Alice in Wonderland characters have a look at my Brooches and Pins section in my Etsy Store – Lavinia’s Tea Party



Queen of hearts wooden brooch, with a pin back, jazz up a cardigan with one of my brooches, they also make great gifts.
