Summer?.. its Raining Cats and dogs…. 

Oh this British  Summer, after a few days of being back in the UK, there was SUNSHINE, warm rays on my skin. After visiting friends in Surrey and a hot car journey, I return to Gloucestershire and wake up to grey clouds, and RAIN! Its not just raining, its Raining CATS AND DOGS! So I thought I’d share my latest brooches to hit my Etsy store, of Cats and Dogs!

Boxer Dog Brooch.

All the brooches are made of laser cut wood, with metal fastenings. These are so cute for birthday gifts and will be great as Christmas stocking fillers for those cat or dog crazy kids. My brooches look so cute on jumpers and cardigans, and a great talking point, as they are a bit different. Shipping worldwide. Click the photos to go through to Etsy for more info.
 Dalmatian dog brooch, I loved 101 Dalmatians as a kid and this brought back those memories!

Know someone who wants a Daschund? Send them a daschund brooch.

Here is another Dalmatian brooch, theres even more dog breeds in my etsy store.

If you love cats, you have to love this cat dancing as a ballerina brooch.

A cute kitty in a green wicker basket, as a brooch.  

A vain cat, staring at himself wearing a blue ribbon in the mirror.

The naughty kitty who got the jam not cream, this is one of my favourite brooches.

Lets hope the weather picks up but in the mean time check out the full range of brooches in my Etsy Store.